
Pre-Need Buying

Pre-Need Planning simply means wisely preparing before the need arises. If you decide to pre-plan or pre-arrange, you will only need to pay an initial payment (which is actually your first installment) and continue to pay a monthly installment thereafter for 5 to 12 years depending on your preference. Unless you choose to, we will not ask you to put up a large down payment.

At-Need Buying

At-Need simply means paying for your needs (i.e. Funeral Service and Interment Property) at the time of need. Unlike in Pre-Need Planning where you are protected from future price increases or inflation and have the luxury of paying on affordable monthly installment, At-Need Buying requires you to pay in full the total costs of your funeral service and burial property at current prices.

It certainly make more sense to plan ahead. To learn more about financing and Pre-Need Planning, please call our office at 633-8426 and ask for Angie Sunga or any of our sales counselors.