True to its mission of providing a respectable memorial service to every departed loved one, Our Lady of Peace endeavored to package several types of funeral plans and interment properties so that families can have a real choice of the type of service and final resting place that are appropriate for their loved ones, yet reasonably priced and affordable.
Funeral Services include
- Cremation without viewing / ceremony
- Cremation with viewing
- Traditional funeral service
- Specialty services
- Veteran services
- Export/import (ship-out/ship-in) of human remains
- Direct burial
- Burial at sea
- Memorial service after cremation
- Memorial merchandise
- Caskets and urns
- Floral vases
- Candle holders
- Memorial markers
Interment Properties include
- Columbaria
- Burial plots
- Above ground niches
- Family properties such as family estates or mausoleums and family niches that comes with burial plots and bone vaults